Major Tracks

The Brass track is auditioned on brass and percussion, placed into one of three bands: Heaton Band (novice), Leidzen Band (intermediate), and Ray-Steadman Allen Band (Advanced). All three bands work on music that will be challenging and enjoyable for the students. The Ray-Steadman Allen Band and Leidzen Band will accompany the hymn singing and provide special music during the Sunday Morning corps visits. All three bands will perform every Sunday afternoon while visiting corps.

The Creative Arts track offers two majors, Dance and Drama. Those who attend conservatory for the Drama track can look forward to learning about acting various scripts out and the different ways drama can be used to enhance a worship service. They will work on a full-scale production for performance at the end of the three weeks. Each week the group will present at the corps that the Conservatory visits. The Dance track is geared towards those who want to hone their skills in this area and really explore the various styles and how they can be used to enhance worship.  

The Piano track is aimed at developing church pianists that can accompany singing and provide special selections. A state-of-the-art keyboard lab is located in the conservatory campus at Camp Hoblitzelle. The piano track can accommodate 10 students and is able to include young people with varying degrees of proficiency.

The Guitar Major is for current guitar students looking to expand their skills.  They work toward performances each week, accompanying singing and participating in contemporary worship.


These are some examples of electives we offer at TYMI and Senior Conservatory.

Timbrels - The Timbrels elective is reviving that part of our heritage that's all about smiles and the jingle-jangle. Known affectionately as the 'cheerleaders' of The Salvation Army, sign up for this elective to learn exciting modern drills in the traditional genre.

Drama - The drama elective explores the world of drama through scripts, mime, etc. The class will also focus on leadership of these aspects so that when the participants return to their corps they will have a better understanding of these things and possibly provide some leadership for drama in their corps.

Praise Band - The Praise Band elective will be looking at current praise and worship music and how to play some of the recent inspiring music. The class will also discuss the logistics of implementing praise and worship music into church services. The band will have several performance opportunities, both at our morning Bible Studies and when we play out at various area corps. A simple audition may be required for participation

Dance - Dance is an elective for those who are interested in learning how to move to different styles of music. Designed for those who may not have much experience, you will find this accessible to all skill levels.

Percussion - The percussion elective will be creating their own percussion piece as well as looking at examples of how to create various rhythmic styles.

Handbells - You'll be amazed at the fun you can have and all the different sounds you can make with a Handbell Ensemble.  Sign up for this if you enjoy making music collaboratively with your friends.

Mariachi - Who doesn't love a good Mariachi Band? But how do they get that unique and catchy sound? Come to the Mariachi elective to dive in to this cultural phenomenon. You may even find yourself in a sombrero!

Piano - For the most intelligent conservatory delegates, we offer a group piano class. For pianists of all levels this class will teach piano technique and literature.

Guitar -  This elective is open to all players of all abilities. Learn your instrument and jam with the finest guitar players in North Texas!


At the start of Senior Conservatory, campers take a theory test, placing them into one of five groups based on their level. Throughout the summer, music instructors work together to teach each group using structured lesson plans, helping campers develop their music theory skills at their own pace. These theory resources are from Rivian Creative titled Theory Experts.